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How to add multiple destinations on Google Maps for Android smartphone

How to add multiple destinations on Google Maps for Android smartphone

Google Maps on Android smartphone provides directions between a single source and destination. The app is not equipped to provide navigation for someone travelling from place A to B via C, D or E or multiple destinations. The search giant hasn't dropped any hints to introduce it anytime soon either.

However, Google Maps underpins numerous destinations on desktop. As According by a report on Android Police, clients can exploit the same on their Android smartphone also, without Google's help.

With this, Google might soon add support for navigation for multiple destinations on its Maps for Android. Until then, here is what users can do.

On desktop, open Google Maps and make a numerous destination search. To do as such, select Source and after that include the middle of the road stop, rather than the last destination. To include the last destination, click on the little in addition to sign inverse to "Alternatives" on the left hand side blue board. On clicking, it will askuser to enter another destination. Add the final destination.

After getting the multiple destination direction on desktop, copy the URL and send to the smartphone via an email or any messaging platform. While opening the same on mobile, do so with Google Maps only. The app will now show direction of multiple destinations.
How to add multiple destinations on Google Maps for Android smartphone How to add multiple destinations on Google Maps for Android smartphone Reviewed by Update Always on 4:06:00 PM Rating: 5

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