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How to access invisible messages on Facebook ?

How to access invisible messages on Facebook ?

Facebook has a secret folder that's full of messages it thinks its users don't want to see.

A year ago, the company revamped its Messenger service to dispose of the old system, which classifications messages into ones that people might need to find in an "Inbox" and "Other". It swapped it rather for the ordinary messages and an organizer called "Message Asks for" — a spot where outsiders can request that contact users.

But there is still another organizer that keeps people from seeing each message they've been sent. The shrouded messages reside in a special folder called "Filtered Message Requests", and the name alludes to the way that it appears to use technology to cover up away messages that it supposes individuals would prefer not to see.

It can be found by opening up the Messenger app and heading to the Settings tab at the bottom. There, you'll find a "People" option — click that, choose "Message Requests" and select the option to see "filtered requests".

The tool does often accurately spot spam, meaning that most of the things you'll find there are likely to be ads or creepy, random messages.

Facebook has effectively drawn feedback for sifting through the messages — and not effortlessly advising individuals how to discover them. The separating has even implied that some people have even missed up a great opportunity for messages advising them that companions had kicked the bucket, Business Insider reported.

Others reported that they had missed out on other important messages. "Nice one Facebook, this hidden message thing has got my wife in tears," wrote Matt Spicer from Bristol. "She was contacted by a cousin, who has died since sending the message."
How to access invisible messages on Facebook ? How to access invisible messages on Facebook ? Reviewed by Update Always on 4:31:00 PM Rating: 5

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