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Facebook helps students to study online

Facebook helps students to study online

Facebook may help keep more students engaged and enrolled to massive open online courses or MOOCs, a new study has found.

In a study that thought about MOOC understudy utilization of the course's Facebook groups to use of the built-in course message sheets and discussions, specialists said understudies were more drawn in on the Facebook groups and also admitted to the analysts that they favored associating more on the online networking website than through the course devices.

"In past studies we found that the genuine test for MOOC developers and instructors is trying to keep understudies connected with and enlisted in the course," said Saijing Zheng, a previous doctoral understudy at Pennsylvania State University in US.

"In this study, we are finding that online networking apparatuses might be one approach to keep understudies occupied with a MOOC," said Zheng, who is as of now an exploration researcher at Microsoft.

She said that 90% of the thousands of MOOC students who enroll in a course leave it after only two weeks.

The researchers suggest that Facebook's interface has several features that most MOOC courses, as yet, cannot match.

"Current MOOC platforms do not include collaborative features for students to work together, or good conversation channels between students and between students and teachers," Zheng said."Social media may provide another communication channel for the students," she said.  See More....
Facebook helps students to study online Facebook helps students to study online Reviewed by Update Always on 1:45:00 PM Rating: 5

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